full screen browser on  laptop

Category: Hacks

Change your default browser!

Are you a tech-savvy Mac user? Then you'll love this solution: change your default browser to an app that's not even a browser at all! Let me explain the problem: when you receive incoming messages with links, you want to be able to open them easily by clicking, but sometimes you'd like certain links to open in Chrome (like Google Meet) and others in Safari (like Medium.com). Read further to learn how to do this.

Setup is easy. At least for geeks ;)

Instal Finicky App:
brew install --cask finicky
create your configuration file at ~/.finicky.js
below you have my first experiments.
module.exports = {
  defaultBrowser: "Safari",

  handlers: [
      match: [
      browser: "Safari"
      match: [
      browser: "Brave Browser"
      match: [
        "*.atlassian.net/*", // match subdomains
      browser: "Google Chrome"
      match: [
      browser: "Google Chrome"
      match: [
      browser: "Brave Browser"
Last part is set default browser to Finicky at System Settings > Desktop & Dock > Default web browser (in Ventura, older OSX version have a bit different places). Done. With the example below, you'll open local addresses in Brave, Google, Miro and Atlassian in Chrome, others in Safari. This is only the tip of an iceberg. It is JS, you can go way further with custom conditions!
Learn more about Finicky here


The Ace 2.0
Michal's assistant eye