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Michal's Technology Consulatant news index.
Project Ace, My Hilarious Chatbot.
For nearly four years, you were able to test my pre-LLM's basic ML chatbot on this website. The models are now on a completely different level, so I needed to train one for myself. As a result, I got a hilarious one. Try talking to him - he knows a lot about my professional past. Due to his style, I decided to give him a HAL-like icon. I hope he will not inherit all of it.
Spring cleaning.
Christmas is long gone and now the Lunar New Year, also known as CNY, celebrations have also come to an end. It's time for spring cleaning. I have brought in some earthy colors with a hint of grassy greens. Additionally, I am experimenting with a non-white background. It is also time to retire my pre LLM chatbot. It served its purpose well, as my personal attempt to utilize ML was a successful venture at that time. I somewhat predicted the emergence of a new era of chatbots. Now, it's time for something new, and exciting things are already in the works!
AI revolution in programming. Should we be afraid?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising various industries, and programming is no exception. With its ability to analyse large amounts of data and make informed decisions, AI is transforming the programming landscape in ways that were unimaginable just a few years ago. I'll try predict the impact of AI on programming, the challenges it presents, and why programmers should embrace it rather than fear it.
A New Year Toast to Transformation!
As the champagne fizzes and fireworks bloom into the velvet night, I can't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the year that just flew by. It was a whirlwind, yes, a chaotic dance of change and upheaval, but one that ultimately painted a stunning portrait of resilience and joy.
Why Google Tag Manager Outshines the GA Tag Script.
Almost every website boasts Google Analytics (GA). Its ease of use and out-of-the-box functionalities make it a popular choice for basic website analysis. However, extracting the specific data points crucial for business decisions requires development tweaks and technical expertise. This is where Google Tag Manager (GTM) steps in, offering way more you expected.